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为了进一步加强期刊建设,拓展办刊思路,2023年3月18日,《中医药文化(英文)》(Chinese Medicine and Culture)期刊发展研讨会在国际交流合作中心举行。

2022年6月20日,Chinese Medicine and Culture《中医药文化(英文)》 编辑部收到Scopus内容遴选与咨询委员会(Content Selection and Advisory Board,CSAB)的通知,Chinese Medicine and Culture已正式被该数据库收录。

2021年12月3日,Chinese Medicine and Culture青年编委会成立暨第一次工作会议在上海中医药大学国际交流合作中心召开。上海中医药大学校长、Chinese Medicine and Culture主编徐建光,创新中药研究院院长、中国科学院院士林国强,上海中医药大学终身教授段逸山、王庆其,以及学校党委校长办公室、宣传部、科技处、人事处、国际交流处、国际教育学院、交叉科学研究...

近日,《中医药文化(英文)》Chinese Medicine and Culture(CMC)被知名数据库DOAJ收录,标志着该期刊受到了国际权威数据库的认可,对扩大期刊传播范围、增加期刊显示度、提升学术影响力具有重要意义。
Gemcitabine, lycorine and oxysophoridine inhibit novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) in cell culture
Novel coronavirus alkaloid broad-spectrum antiviral 2019-nCoV SARS-CoV-2
The emerging SARS-CoV-2 infection associated with the outbreak of viral pneumonia in China is ongoing worldwide. There are no approved antiviral therapies to treat this viral disease. Here we examined...

《中医药文化》(英文刊)Chinese Medicine and Culture入选2019中国科技期刊卓越行动计划高起点新刊(图)
中医药文化 英文刊 Chinese Medicine and Culture 2019 中国科技期刊 新刊
根据中国科协、财政部、教育部、科技部、国家新闻出版署、中国科学院、中国工程院《关于组织实施中国科技期刊卓越行动计划有关项目申报的通知》(科协发学字〔2019〕41号)及《中国科技期刊卓越行动计划评审细则》有关规定,经项目申报、资格审查、答辩评审和世界一流科技期刊建设专家委员会复核,《中医药文化》(英文刊)Chinese Medicine and Culture成功入选2019年度中国科技期刊卓越行...

《中医药文化》海外版(Chinese Medicine and Culture)国际采编系统ScholarOne Manuscripts及全英文网站正式上线运行(图)
中医药文化 海外版 Chinese Medicine and Culture 国际采编系统 ScholarOne Manuscripts 全英文网站 正式上线运行
为进一步整合国际中医药学术资源、吸引海外优质稿源、实现国际化办刊、提高《中医药文化》海外版(Chinese Medicine and Culture)的学术质量和学术影响力,《中医药文化》编辑部积极推进海外传播平台的搭建,目前已与科睿唯安(Clarivate Analytics)公司合作,正式启用ScholarOne Manuscripts采编系统,同时与威科集团(Wolters Kluwer)国...
High-level Expression and Purification of Active Human FGF-2 in Escherichia coli by Codon and Culture Condition Optimization
Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 Codon Protein E. coli
Background: Basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) is a member of a highly conserved superfamily of proteins that are involved in cell proliferation, differentiation, and migration.
Objectives: The ob...
Culture Positive Brucella Endocarditis in a Case of Baloon Mitral Valvotomy
Brucella Endocarditis Mitral valve
Brucella endocarditis is a rare condition which occurs as a focal complication in chronic brucellosis cases. We report a rare brucella endocarditis case in a RVHD patient. A 26 years old male was admi...
Culture refers to the shared patterns of feelings, beliefs and behaviour that reflect in the way of living in a society. Culture uniquely influence the role functioning or psychosoical wellbeing of pe...
Food Insecurity and Culture - A Study of Cambodian and Brazilian Immigrants
Food Insecurity Acculturation Immigrant
Vulnerable immigrant populations such as refugees and undocumented immigrants are at higher risk for food insecurity and its health consequences than other low- income populations. Acculturation and a...
On the Antiquity of Trisomy 21: Moving Towards a Quantitative Diagnosis of Down Syndrome in Historic Material Culture
Down Syndrome fossils diagnosis
Down syndrome was first medically described as a separate condition from other forms of cognitive impairment in 1866. Because it took so long for Down syndrome to be recognized as a clinical entity de...
Iranian Nurses’ Perception of Patient Safety Culture
Patients Patient Safety Nurses Hospital
Background:: In recent decades, patient safety has become a high priority health system issue, due to the high potential of occurring adverse events in health facilities.
Body culture within the EU’s competence system
Proficiency and habits in body culture cannot be disregarded when drawing up integrated cultural competences that meet the challenges of the 21st century. This is all the more true if we aim to define...
Conventional Agar-Based Culture Method, and Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (NAAT) of the cppB Gene for Detection of Neisseria gonorrhea in Pregnant Women Endocervical Swab Specimens
Pregnant Women Neisseria Gonorrhea Culture Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques (NAAT)
Background: Neisseria gonorrhea is the etiological agent of the sexually transmitted disease (STD) gonorrhea, and primarily infects the mucous membranes of the urethra, endocervix, pharynx or rectum o...