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权力感 调节定向 促进定向 预防定向
采用4个研究探究了权力感对调节定向的影响。研究1通过测量被试的特质性权力感和特质性调节定向初步探索权力感水平与调节定向的关系。研究2和研究3分别通过外显角色扮演和故事回忆法来探究状态性权力感对调节定向目标表征和策略选择的影响。研究4采用身体姿势法启动权力感, 进一步探究在内隐层面权力感对调节定向的影响。结果发现, 高权力感个体更倾向于促进定向; 而低权力感个体更倾向于预防定向, 并且排除了其中可能...
失败的限制性饮食者是进食障碍的高危人群, 他们面对食物时的抑制控制能力通常很弱, 从而更易发展为肥胖, 所以改善失败的限制性饮食者对不健康食物的进食选择十分重要。本文采用在线停止信号任务, 通过提高失败的限制性饮食者对不健康食物图片的抑制控制能力, 从而减少他们在日常生活中对不健康食物的选择。首先对66名失败的限制性饮食者实施前测, 然后随机分为对不健康食物图片进行抑制反应的干预组(n = 33)...
原始性情绪感染理论认为, 情绪感染是一个“情绪觉察—无意识模仿—生理反馈—情绪体验”的过程, 情绪感染是一个由生理诱发情绪的过程。早在1884年, 詹姆士和兰格就提出了情绪外周学说, 同样描述了从身体变化到情绪变化的关系路径, 但没有描述从刺激事件到外周身体变化的发生机制。对情绪感染的发生机制的研究能揭示这一“自下而上”的情绪产生机制。研究选取有效大学生被试62名, 参与下列研究:(1) 在眼动实...
Does "Fight or Flight" Need Updating?
条件性恐惧泛化 状态焦虑 恐惧创伤电影范式
恐惧的过度泛化是焦虑障碍患者重要的潜在病因, 探索焦虑对恐惧泛化的影响具有重要意义。本研究在恐惧习得后, 通过恐惧创伤电影范式诱发状态焦虑组被试的焦虑水平, 采用主观预期值和皮电反应值作为指标, 考察状态焦虑对条件性恐惧泛化的影响。结果表明, 恐惧创伤电影范式显著提高了状态焦虑组被试的焦虑水平。在泛化阶段, 状态焦虑组被试表现出更强的恐惧泛化, 对与条件刺激相似的泛化刺激表现出更强烈的恐惧以及更高...
Understanding sexting behaviors, sexting expectancies, and the role of impulsivity in sexting behaviors
sexting impulsivity expectancies risk behavior
Sexting, defined as the exchange of sexually explicit materials via the Internet or mobile phones, is an increasingly common risky behavior; however, little is known about why people sext. The goals o...
Do health behaviors mediate the relationships between loneliness and health outcomes in caregivers of cancer patients?
Loneliness Caregiving Cancer
Greater levels of loneliness have shown consistent associations with poorer mental and physical health; however, the reason for these relationships is unknown. Engagement in poorer health behaviors am...
Cognitive and task performance consequences for women who confront vs. fail to confront sexism
Prejudice Sexism Cognition Emotions Task Performance
Women who fail to confront sexism can experience negative intrapersonal consequences, such as greater negative self-directed affect (negself) and greater obsessive thoughts, particularly if they are h...
Toward a Psychological Understanding of the Effects of Changes in Group Status on Intergroup Relations
Psychology Attitudes toward diversity Intergroup relations Relative deprivation Societal transformation Status change Threat
Societies undergoing drastic transformation are often inundated with intergroup strife, particularly, when the transformation is accompanied by drastic shifts in groups' status (e.g., Bettlehem & Jano...
Sleep Disturbances in Alzheimer's Disease and Caregiver Mood: A Diary Study
Alzheimer Caregiving Mood Multilevel modeling Sleep
Sleep disturbances are common in persons with Alzheimer's disease (AD) (Hart et al., 2003) and pose a great strain on their family caregivers (Hope, Keene, Gedling, Fairburn, & Jacoby, 1998) including...
Modeling the Influence of Childhood Trauma on Rate of Symptom Change Among Psychiatric Inpatients
childhood trauma psychiatric hospitalization response to treatment symptom change
Clinical wisdom suggests that adults with histories of childhood trauma will have difficulty engaging in psychotherapy. I examined the relationship between early childhood trauma and treatment respons...
The Effects of Construction Activity on the Behavior of Captive Rhesus Monkeys (Macaca mulatta)
vibration construction primates behavior
Previous studies have revealed insight into the effects of noises and vibrations on rodents, livestock, and zoo animals, but there is little information about such effects on non-human primates. This ...
The Role of ER-Alpha and the Ovaries in the Enduring Altered Behavioral Response to Pubertal Immune Stress
ER-Alpha LPS Ovaries Female
Peripubertal immune stress alters adult responsiveness to estradiol (E2) and progesterone (P). When female mice are injected with the bacterial endotoxin lipopolysaccharide (LPS) at six weeks of age, ...
Seeing and Knowing Ability of Rhesus Macaques (Macaca mulatta)
Seeing and Knowing Ability Rhesus Macaques
Attribution of knowledge refers to equating a shared visual perspective with shared information, a characteristic of human behavior. However, there is considerable debate as to whether nonhuman primat...
Measuring Handedness in Infancy: Hand Preference and Hand Performance in 11-Month-Olds
infants hand preference hand performance
Lateral biases are evident in a number of behaviors across many organisms. The present work was concerned with the particular lateral phenomenon known as handedness. Previous research has suggested th...